As you know, I am very serious about my skincare! I’m almost 40 (woah!) and I haven’t started botox or retinoids, so I’ve really leaned into other products and ingredients that deliver anti-aging benefits. Since becoming pregnant, my skin has become a bit more sensitive and dry, so I needed customized products that targeted all of my skin issues while being safe for the babe.
I test out a lot of skincare products so I can share my favorites with you, so I was thrilled when Agency reached out to me. Many of you have mentioned your love of Curology (the company whose founders also brought you Agency) so I was super excited to try Agency which focuses targeting wrinkles, uneven skin tone, discoloration – all of the things we worry about as we age.

Agency is a personalized prescription skincare brand that is customized for you by a dermatology provider. That means high quality products that are good for your skin. The process is very simple: you complete a skin questionnaire and Agency will connect you to one of their dermatology providers. The provider will then recommend a custom prescription formula that targets your skin concerns so you can achieve your skin goals!

This is 2 weeks into using Agency and look at that glow.
I trust my dermatology provider for my skincare needs and Agency delivers the same type of assurance that I know I’m getting dermatologist-led advice specific for my skin needs. Agency is like sitting in the dermatologist’s office but it’s all online!
Once I completed the questionnaire and sent along photos of my face, I received an email from my provider letting me know her recommendations on my skincare routine, plus my personalized prescription formula. She really understood my skin concerns (prevent allllll the wrinkles!) while selecting a formula that is safe to use for the rest of my pregnancy. After using the products, I checked in with Lindsey to let her know how my skin was doing – amazing – so my formula will be adjusted for next month (see below for the new formula)! A big plus is Agency has an auto-ship plan, which I love because I have pregnancy brain and I seriously can’t remember to order anything in a timely manner.

In case you’re wondering if it works, this is me with no makeup (except for tinted lip balm, complete with the mosquito bite on my forehead). You know I always show you the real deal because what’s the point of sharing makeup or skincare products with a filter slapped on right? If you need further proof, the manager at a prominent skincare brand thought I was 29.
Click here to try Agency! You’ll get a free 30 day trial with $4.95 shipping and handling! I love the customized skincare by Agency and I think you will too!
This post is sponsored by Agency. Thanks for supporting the brands that make AVS possible!